symptoms of stroke usually occur suddenly, and always be treated as a medical emergency. These include the sudden onset of any of the following:
- a weakness of the face, arm or leg on one side of the body
- Loss of sensation in the face, arm or leg on one side of the body
- Inability to understand spoken language
- Inability to speak
- Inability to write
- Vertigo and / or imbalance walk
- Double Vision
- Severe headache and a strange
of stroke symptoms start suddenly, because they are caused by a sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain area. When this happens it only takes a few seconds for the brain to stop functioning. Only a small portion of strokes produce headache symptoms. However, the sudden onset of severe headache doctors are suspected brain haemorrhage. Due to the high risk of death in these cases, people entering the emergency room complaining of severe headaches are quickly detect the presence of blood in the brain.
whether or not symptoms of a stroke is permanent depends on the length of the affected part of the brain was without blood flow. While the events of poor blood flow, or ischemia, leading to complete recovery, and events can leave permanent deficits. The severity of symptoms of stroke depends on the part of the brain that is affected. For example, strokes affect the brain areas that have minimal significance in the daily activities of the brain, usually produces mild symptoms or undetectable. In contrast, stroke affects the brain areas that are extremely important in the everyday activities of the brain causes the most debilitating symptoms and abnormal.
For example, a stroke affecting one area of the brain rarely identify odor-causing symptoms. Also stroke affecting one of the language areas of the brain almost always do. For the most part, the left brain controls the right side of the body, while the right brain controls the left side of the body. When a blood vessel that carries blood to a specific part of the brain is blocked, the only part of the brain where blood vessels are affected. This causes symptoms on the opposite side of the body.
before we go to the emergency room the better the chances are that you will get the treatment that can reduce and even reverse the long-term career. After calling the ambulance to prepare to answer the following questions, which help doctors select the best treatment:
What time did your symptoms start?
What is your complete medical history? Have you ever had a stroke? Have you had any bleeding in the brain? Do you have any metal inside your body? (This is important to decide if your head can be visualized with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a MRI device has a powerful magnet. articles of base metals in the body of people are pacemakers, artificial joints, dental treatments, and even bullet fragments) What medications and supplements you regularly?
Do you have a bleeding disorder? It is very important to be aware of stroke symptoms for early management and prevent more serious complications.
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