Memory Loss After Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Whether the brain can be disrupted by brain trauma, the result of inattention, difficulty concentrating, excessive sleepiness, failure Court, depression, irritability, emotional outbursts, and slowed thinking. However, memory loss is one of the most common cognitive side effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even in mild TBI, memory loss is still very česta.Teže victim memory loss after TBI, significant brain damage is likely to be.

Some TBI related to amnesia, such as patients can not remember what happened immediately before, during and after the head injury was temporary. Temporary memory loss is often caused by swelling of the brain in response to the damage suffered. But because the brain is pressed against the skull, even parts that are injured are not yet able to raditi.Pacijenta memory usually returns as the swelling goes down over a period of several weeks or even months. Temporary loss of memory can be an emotional response to stressful events surrounding TBI.

damage to the nerves and axons (connection between nerves) of the brain can lead to memory loss. The brain can heal itself like an arm or leg, so any function that is damaged during a TBI is permanently impaired if the brain learns how to perform that function differently. Fixed amnesia may include loss of meaning of certain common, everyday objects or words, or the person can not think of a skill before TBI.

different types of memory loss called anteretrograde amnesia, which is the inability to form memories of events that occurred after the injury. Doctors are not sure exactly why this is happening, but some studies have shown that is May have something to do with the fact that TBI reduced protein levels in the brain that helps the brain balance its activity. Without enough of this protein in the brain can easily overwhelm the effect of memory formation.

In general, symptoms of brain injury should be reduced over time as the brain heals but sometimes the symptoms worsen, because the patient's inability to adapt to brain injury. It is not uncommon for psychological symptoms can appear and worsen after brain injury.

At this point, there is no treatment for memory loss after TBI, if memory does not go back on my own, it will be lost permanently. There are a lot of research in the field of TBI and memory loss, but, unfortunately, no cure for TBI-related amnesia in this moment.

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jack said...

A brain injury can occur when the head hits an unyielding object, such as the dashboard of the vehicle, with a sudden and sharp force. Traumatic brain injuries can also occur from the sudden acceleration/deceleration of the brain without direct trauma applied to the head, the common cause being whiplash. call the Law Office of Rick Terrana at 813.874.0522 to discuss the specifics of your case.

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