Memory Loss After Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Whether the brain can be disrupted by brain trauma, the result of inattention, difficulty concentrating, excessive sleepiness, failure Court, depression, irritability, emotional outbursts, and slowed thinking. However, memory loss is one of the most common cognitive side effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even in mild TBI, memory loss is still very česta.Teže victim memory loss after TBI, significant brain damage is likely to be.

Some TBI related to amnesia, such as patients can not remember what happened immediately before, during and after the head injury was temporary. Temporary memory loss is often caused by swelling of the brain in response to the damage suffered. But because the brain is pressed against the skull, even parts that are injured are not yet able to raditi.Pacijenta memory usually returns as the swelling goes down over a period of several weeks or even months. Temporary loss of memory can be an emotional response to stressful events surrounding TBI.

damage to the nerves and axons (connection between nerves) of the brain can lead to memory loss. The brain can heal itself like an arm or leg, so any function that is damaged during a TBI is permanently impaired if the brain learns how to perform that function differently. Fixed amnesia may include loss of meaning of certain common, everyday objects or words, or the person can not think of a skill before TBI.

different types of memory loss called anteretrograde amnesia, which is the inability to form memories of events that occurred after the injury. Doctors are not sure exactly why this is happening, but some studies have shown that is May have something to do with the fact that TBI reduced protein levels in the brain that helps the brain balance its activity. Without enough of this protein in the brain can easily overwhelm the effect of memory formation.

In general, symptoms of brain injury should be reduced over time as the brain heals but sometimes the symptoms worsen, because the patient's inability to adapt to brain injury. It is not uncommon for psychological symptoms can appear and worsen after brain injury.

At this point, there is no treatment for memory loss after TBI, if memory does not go back on my own, it will be lost permanently. There are a lot of research in the field of TBI and memory loss, but, unfortunately, no cure for TBI-related amnesia in this moment.

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New Law Takes Brain Injury Seriously

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Coloradan and Grandview High School Freshman Jake Snakenberg died after receiving a hard tackle during a school football game in 2004. At that time, doctors are advised to Snakenberg must have suffered undiagnosed brain injuries received during the previous weeks game. Thus, when a student was injured a second time, injuries are complex and led to his death. Final diagnosis: Second Impact Syndrome. Snakenberg is not the first young athlete to die after suffering such a severe concussion, and he will be the last.

Just a few days before the nearly seven years after the death Snakenberg, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed into law the young Jake Snakenberg earthquake Act. Student athletes will always get injuries, but the new law aims to improve early detection of young brain injury and thus prevent unnecessary deaths.

as a condition of this new law, all sports coaches who work with smaller athletes ages 11-18 will receive training annually earthquake recognition and certification. Then, if a young coach suspects a player suffered a concussion, he or she must pull the child out of the game and can not allow him to return to clear the game by a licensed health care radnika.Godišnja earthquake training awards will be available to coaches without costs through online-based education and testing resursa.Raspon age through targeted training of 11 - to 18 -. Year-old group of young athletes who are most at risk of receiving a traumatic brain injury

as a condition of this new law, all sports coaches who work with smaller athletes ages 11-18 will receive training annually earthquake recognition and certification. Then, if a young coach suspects a player suffered a concussion, he or she must pull the child out of the game and can not allow him to return to clear the game by a licensed health care radnika.Godišnja earthquake training awards will be available to coaches without costs through online-based education and testing resursa.Raspon age through targeted training of 11 - to 18 -. Year-old group of young athletes who are most at risk of receiving a traumatic brain injury


needs a coach training is a major step toward maintaining a healthy young athletes. For the untrained eye, it can be very difficult to tell when someone got injured mozga.Nesreće victim of any age can take a hit in the head, and not immediately show any external symptoms hit. Of course, if brain injury is left undiagnosed and untreated, the injury could become fatal. This is perfectly normal to see athletes young and old to pick up, dust yourself and get on with playing. This does not mean that there were no injuries. Effects on the brain simply is not always immediately apparent


It is important to bear in mind, a victim of brain injury will not necessarily lose consciousness immediately after the acquisition of an earthquake. Therefore, a discount of consciousness as the determining factor, seek medical help immediately if, after the hit on the head, a friend or loved one develops symptoms of dizziness, headaches, blurred vision, confusion, vomiting and / or loss of consciousness.

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Child Brain Injury Claims - How Do They Differ?

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 23, 2011

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child's brain is particularly fragile. Given the fact that they continue to grow, it trauma to the brain has the potential to severely damage it. If a young person suffers cerebral damage when they are very young, it can have a major impact on the rest of your life.

In many cases of cerebral injury caused by accidents that are difficult to avoid. When children are young they are accidents. Almost all children at some point in their childhood, hammer their heads. Whether this results in severe brain injury or not, often just a case of luck.

Brain Injuries can happen so easily. However, the impact they can have on your life and your child can be enormous. If a child suffers severe brain injury when they are young, it can change your life zauvijek.Stres, strife and pain that can often cause will be immeasurable.

Although the vast majority of cerebral injury can not be avoided, there are still many that are caused by someone else. In situations of labor induced by cerebral palsy, or simply an accident in a public place, it is very common for negligence to play at least a small part. If a child's brain injury or disease was caused by someone else does not follow the regulations and carry out their duties effectively, then that child's parents are entitled to claim child brain injury.

child brain injury claims

brain injury claims are very different from most other types of medical potraživanja.Mozak controls all of our movements on our emotions. If the brain is severely damaged then it is difficult to change your life and the victim and those around them. As well as the emotional cost to a loved one suffer from brain damage, there is often a significant financial cost. While making a claim will not go away injuries, brain injuries claim the child was conceived in order to award compensation to the victims they need to cope with everyday life. If your child has suffered a brain injury that is not their fault, then you should seek legal advice as soon as possible.

When selecting legal representation you need to make sure you use the specialist lawyer. Specialist child brain injury lawyer will not only be able to advise and represent better than the lawyers are not experts, they will also be able to offer a much higher level of support. Child brain injury claims can often take a long time to resolve. The brain is complex, which makes it all legal cases difficult riješiti.Vrijeme between your child to be injured and your case is resolved can often be critical to ensuring their comfort and blagostanja.Stručnjak attorney will understand this and ensure that while the case is resolved, your child gets all medical advice and care they need. These benefits are well worth using an attorney.

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Stress and Anxiety After Brain Injury - Symptoms and Management

Posted by writer on Saturday, October 22, 2011

When someone in your family has a traumatic brain injury, feelings of stress and anxiety can be overwhelming at times. Initial concerns usually focus on whether a person will survive the injuries. Once a person is a medical condition has stabilized, family concerns and then move some recovery can be expected. Uncertainty about the future can be very stressful for everyone. The brain is such a complex organ that is difficult to predict recovery after being injured. This uncertainty is the basis for many of the fears, concerns and questions.

signs of stress and anxiety

Stress feels like an overwhelming pressure to a person simply does not feel capable of facing and handling. Anxiety is a severe form of stress that causes fear, avoidance and fear.

Everyone experiences some stress and anxiety in your life for a while. But it is very common among the families, when a person has a brain injury because it can be a life changing event for everyone.

So what can you do?

It helps to know the common signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety. These are:

  • difficult decisions, even small
  • short temper or circuit
  • less energy and motivation
  • It's relaxing
  • Changes in appetite
  • Racing thoughts
  • insomnia
  • A higher body temperature or increased heart rate
  • Physical complaints such as indigestion, tremors, jaw and shoulder tension, headaches, fatigue, etc.
  • impatience and irritability
  • The feeling of loneliness, hopelessness, and ineffective

When you recognize the signs of stress, it is important to be able to prevent its negative impact on your life and health. Learning how to cope and manage stress and anxiety is a step in rebuilding your life after brain injury. Here are six techniques that can help.

  1. Think positively about their physical health and try to make it fun and stress reduction activities that have occurred prior to brain injury.
  2. Deep breathing can help calm when you begin to feel stressed or anxious.
  3. Meditation helps to calm your mind and focus on productive thoughts.
  4. visualization helps you picture what you would like to happen.
  5. Thought stopping helps you control your thought patterns.
  6. end of the negative self-talk helps you to think more positively.

will be many challenges in your life, whether you have survived brain injuries, guardian, or spouse, parent, child or sibling. Learning how to reduce, manage and control stress and anxiety is an important step in the recovery and reconstruction of their lives and their future.

More aboutStress and Anxiety After Brain Injury - Symptoms and Management

Brain Injury Facts and Preventative Measures

Posted by writer on Friday, October 21, 2011

Every year, millions of people sustain traumatic brain injury. Most of these injuries are minor, and the symptoms usually disappear on their own. However, more than half a million injuries in the brain are severe enough to require hospitalization.

traumatic brain injury is usually defined as any injury to the brain caused by trauma - the sudden blow, shaking or wounds on the head - that interferes with normal brain function. This distinguishes them from brain injury caused by non-trauma, such as oxygen or carbon monoxide poisoning. The most common causes of traumatic brain injury were traffic accidents, falls, assaults and sports activities.

All kinds of brain injury can have serious long-term consequences. Some brain injury does not include a visible head injury, and often go undetected and untreated, leading to serious injury and a higher risk of permanent damage. Impact on the head is not necessary for traumatic brain injury to occur.

are aware of certain preventive measures and learning to recognize symptoms of serious head injury in the hours after the injury, could save someone's life.

Preventive measures

Below is a list of some of the measures that are important to prevent any worsening of traumatic brain injury:

O Do not remove any object sticking out of the wound
o Do not wash the deep wound of the head
o Do not move the person if the injury appears serious
o Do not drink alcohol in the first 48 hours after injury
o Do not take aspirin as it increases the risk of bleeding
Do not shake the person


When it comes to someone who has just suffered a head injury, it is important to ask questions and find out what happened, whether the injured person or witnesses.

initial signs of head injury may not be apparent immediately or may develop slowly over several hours. Even if there is no external sign of injury such as fracture, the brain can be bruised (ie, concussion), who may have complications.

Below is a list of some of the symptoms that indicate serious head or brain injury. If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately call your doctor or go to a local hospital.

A loss of consciousness, drowsiness or dizziness
Slowly the breathing or low blood pressure
of fluid or bleeding from the nose, mouth or ears
a severe headache or vomiting during more than two times
about difficulty hearing, seeing, tasting or smelling
the initial improvement followed by worsening symptoms
o Changes in personality, abnormal behavior or confusion
o Lack of coordination or clumsiness
about Slurred speech or blurred vision
Weight of moving one or more limbs
the blackout or seizure
o Stiff neck

While many head injuries are minor and the victim to recover fully, it is important to observe the injured person during the first 24 hours after injury in order to watch for any signs of serious symptoms of a serious injury. Doing so can reduce the risk of complications, and even save lives.

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Brain Injury and a Near Death Experience (NDE) Sparks Visions for an Artist

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Many artists have been deterred from achieving their full potential. More obstacles may stand in the way: poverty, disease, injury, lack of support from family and partners, insulation, and / or little or no recognition for their work. As artists who have strayed from their paths back on track and continue to infuse passion, time and energy to do work that supports and enhances their spirit world?

for this artist, Heather Ifversen, life threatening head injury, caused by a fall in the bathtub, forced her to carefully examine your life and change dramatically. Brain trauma and near death experience (NDE) and the subsequent recovery and reconstruction of her aroused enough to be able to live an authentic life.

Ifversen story is remarkable and deserves to be told. She chose to illustrate the experience by talking pictures. These images detail deep and magical vision of the universe, and energy in it, which make up the web of life. At the heart of her story is her own, and a stunning development that occurred during the period of six months or so, when contacted by beings of light. Ifversen is still uncertain if these creatures were real or a creation of mind. However, she seemed to have ongoing conversations with those who have had the effect of infusing your life with new energy and most importantly - the drive to continue to create art. In his vision, which occurred during the waking hours, she first asked the beings of light to help her return to life and full awareness that it could restore the girl's mother, Isabella (12) and Finn (7). Slowly, as her consciousness began to be reconstructed, and her motor skills, speech and parts of her memory returned, the one thing she was able to do in his bedridden state to draw and paint again. "I am a brush strapped to my arm," recalls Ifversen ", and I began to paint the visions I saw in my head ."

As to life, she also discovers her identity as an artist. Her life as an artist is suppressed and almost lost a wife, mother, guardian and social worker. Persistent, as someone obsessed with power beyond control, she clung to that identity that was always hers. For these light beings who discovers that her complex web of energy that form the backdrop for our existence gave her another chance to live - I was not going to waste it


work that was completed while recovering from brain trauma, including a whopping 60 pictures - Ifversen completed during the six months of recovery. This art documents a strange and magnificent forces that lie behind the central truth of our world. Some May be inclined to be skeptical Ifversen story, but many, including energy workers and neuropsychologists can only be delighted with its publication.

Anyone who travels to a magical aircraft, working in the field of faery magic, studying the mysterious ways in the brain, or dealing directly with people who have had near death experiences (NDE) knows when these energies appear to work. In the case of individuals experiencing 'normal life' - nicely wrapped on the outside often keeps them hidden from view. Perhaps an ordinary person is too distracted, or consume other things, to see them as clearly as Ifversen ima.Svjetlo being described in his paintings are real enough to be afraid.

According Ifveren and others who have had this kind of experience, and light beings working behind the scenes of the everyday, mundane world. Ifversen walking between this world and that is one for an elongated period of time. Having lost the ability to speak, read and write, she chose to portray this reality. Fortunately, she returned to the brush, canvas and palette, and use what little strength it has, then you shoot your way.

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Brain Injury Lawyer

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

brain is one of the most important organ in the human body. When the injured, suffer immeasurably, and other parts of our bodies refuse to act. Although not entirely essential for life, see what our bodies can survive for longer amounts of time on life support with no brain, the brain makes us who we are. All of our experiences, our knowledge, our personality, stored inside and twisting muscle mass. If anything happens to the muscles, the results are pretty horrifying, seeing things that do not exist, we end up talking to figments of our imagination, and worse, the threat of possible end up in a padded room.

If the damage to your brain is too bad, you can recognize your friends and family, and that may be the worst part of all. Not only that, the brain also controls your sight, so that the issuance of any form of brain damage, you basically lose all the things you've done, well, you.

Now that you know the importance of keeping the brain is protected, you must do all it can to ensure that it is really to stay protected. But as you know, accidents do happen. It could be in a car accident, or maybe even a boating accident. If this happens, then you need to think about what you will do next. You can sit at home and let it fester, because chances are you will not be able to work, due to brain damage often destroys many of your cognitive abilities. Or you can fight back and get what is yours. Someone did it for you, and you need to get back at them for it.

There are many things you can do, it is to hire a lawyer. I know what you think .. "Lawyers are expensive!" That's right, they are a tad expensive, court costs, and hourly rates, etc. Fortunately, most lawyers will only pay for your out of your settlement, which means that there are no pre-troškove.Jedna thing you need to worry, to be sure that the court battle does not drag on too terribly long, or court costs will eat through the entire village, I actually witnessed it once, it's not nice.

Therefore, in order to prevent this, make sure you choose a good lawyer brain injury. Make sure your attorney is reputable, and he will not withdraw from the case just to make a few extra dollars. So, do not just go with the first lawyer you meet. Talk to each other, and even a third, to compare them, ask questions and talk to former clients of them to make sure the lawyer gets good results. Remember, this is your future, choose the best and do best.

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Compensation Awards For Accidental Brain Injury

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 16, 2011


compensation award provided by the insurance company will finance the current concern about the relationship with severe brain injury, enabling families to achieve the best possible quality of life for years to come for all concerned. However, it is important to choose a law firm that has extensive experience in the implementation of serious injury cases. Companies that focus on less accidental injury claims may try to take on serious brain injury case, and while these companies can achieve good results for his clients' minor injuries, they are likely to have relevant practical experience in brain injury compensation case.

settlement can take between three and five years to achieve, and in the meantime, the brain injured patient will still need specialist equipment, adaptations to homes, therapy and specialist njegu.Dobra company law will be skilled in ensuring adequate interim award, so the family can adjust to a new life as quickly as possible.

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Brain Injury Lawyer - A Specialized Person

Posted by writer on Saturday, October 15, 2011

Those who had a brain injury due to accidents can seek help from an attorney brain injury. Proving nature of the wound or damage whether mild or severe is one of the main tasks of a lawyer.

Finding a lawyer

Various law firms offer to handle such cases. There are some attorneys who specialize in brain injury cases. These lawyers are experts in medical and legal aspects of the case. These lawyers work in collaboration with medical stručnjacima.Oštećenja in the brain can have serious physical and psychological impact on a person. While the filing fee is advisable to do so as quickly as possible. Sometimes delaying these cases may have a negative impact on the verdict. Specialized legal representative are more expensive to hire. However, a lawyer and work for the case. You can rent one, depending on availability.

violation of the law

According to the law of injury, you can claim compensation for damages due to various reasons such as

  • death due to negligence
  • Medical negligence
  • defective products lead to accidents
  • discrimination
  • workers' compensation

Anyone who has been injured or out of negligence or other action may seek damages in accordance with U.S. laws. There are specialized legal representative engaged in a variety of injury cases. This type of lawyers dealing with accident causes damage to the brain, a truck accident lawyer deals with accidents caused by truck crashes.

experts will help the victim file the proper case and get the desired compensation. When selecting legal reprehensive do a thorough research. You can find a qualified lawyer through references or law firms. Make sure the lawyers are Internet friendly, so you can keep in touch with them at any time via the internet or blackberry. This allows them to discuss your case details with them and ask for their opinion before finalizing a lawyer. Look for an injury lawyer who has had experience with insurance kućama.Optuženici are usually supported by insurance agencies. A skilled attorney will settle claims out of court, and will be compelling to get a good fee.

If your family member had a wound in the brain due to an accident, only the appointment of any legal representative would not help. It is better to be a specialized lawyer to solve cases. In the case of brain injury before you contact a lawyer, it is better. Delay can have a negative impact on the verdict.

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Typical Symptoms of a Brain Injury

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 13, 2011

brain injuries can be among the hardest of all personal injuries, and they can have the worst long-term, even life-threatening consequences.

In order to reduce the impact of head injury is very important to seek medical help when they suffer an accident that may arise from brain injury.

There are two main types of brain injury -. Traumatic, which describes the sudden blows, blows and wounds, and traumatic brain injury, such as oxygen poisoning or carbon monoxide poisoning

brain injury can take place in many different ways. Maybe in a car accident, or even victims of the attack. Then again, May you have suffered an injury at work, if any negligence of your employer does not provide you with protective equipment such as helmets. If the work fell from a height that was not safe, or slipped a spill that is not cleaned or a sign posted, then it is further negligence. In all these circumstances you are entitled to compensation for injury to the brain.

Here are some symptoms to watch out for if you suspect you have suffered a brain injury,

The most common symptoms of head injuries are usually the ones that are the least serious, and can include dizziness, fatigue, headache, dizziness, or a bump or graze to the head that is visible. Minor earthquake is likely, and you should rest and lie down for the duration of time you feel dizzy, and then immediately seek medical advice.

In some cases, their injuries can be visible and apparent, for example, there May be bleeding from the nose, mouth or ears, or vomiting. Loss of consciousness is possible in some cases. Keep in mind that visibly affect your accident is not necessarily difficult, it is internal bruising and bleeding in the brain that are far more serious, so do not panic if you have visible injuries, because it does not mean that you have internal injuries. Do not take aspirin, even if you have a headache, because it increases the risk of bleeding.

internal brain injuries can manifest in the slow breathing or blood pressure, confusion or clumsiness, slurred speech or blurred vision, could also eventually have difficulty hearing, tasting or smelling. You May also suffer a stiff neck, or have difficulty in movement. In the worst case, you will be unconscious for a long period of time, and the ambulance May need to be called. Those around you should put in recovery position and not try to wake up, or cleaning of deep cuts.

In an even less serious cases, seek medical advice and make sure someone stays with you 24 hours keeping an eye out for any worsening symptoms such as head injury may initially have little impact, but worsen over time. We also are well advised to refrain from driving or operating heavy machinery for the time in the event of a concussion sets in.

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Dealing With a Brain Injury Compensation Claim

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

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the severity of injury to the brain is undeniable, so is the complexity. Maintenance of brain trauma can leave in the worst cases, the victim should always round the clock care -. Perform even the simplest tasks that most people will take for granted every day

This is the result of the rehabilitation process that may be the most traumatic part of the whole process of injuries -. And for the victims and their family members

is an added financial strain that extra care makes the source of the kinds of problems experienced. However, financial pressure may be reduced slightly with a successful injury claim, which resulted in compensation.

If the brain trauma he sustained as a result of an accident that is not self-inflicted, then the victim may be entitled to compensation.

It might not seem like the most obvious thing to do after an accident resulting in injury, but injuries compensation can greatly assist in helping victims adapt to the new difficult circumstances.

Many of the victims or family members (which deals with cases on behalf of the victims) can feel that the injuries claimed to have just one more time-consuming, stressful task -. The fall of the already traumatic time

Frankly speaking, the process is not as scary as it seems on first impression.

When taking the first step in making the request, it is important to look for a serious company that specializes in injury law in particular brain injury. While this May seem like a simple step to take - it is not. Due to the complex nature of these injuries, there are very few law firms who specialize in helping victims make claims of brain trauma.

Accreditation is may be a good indicator. For example, serious injury law firm that is accredited by the process (the brain injury association) or CBIT (Child Brain Injury Trust) is likely to be able to offer the kind of lawyer who will be versed enough to deal with injury claims.

This may require a good amount of research should be undertaken before, but in the long run it will probably be justified.

After this step and found a company law expert, it is important to find a good lawyer injury to the request.

People may question the need for specialist lawyers. But it is not only an expert on serious violations, but also an expert in the field of complexity that these injuries raise.

Employment injury attorney general will seriously jeopardize the case, as it is not going to have that expertise. This will mean that there will be more likely to be a hindrance to the chances of obtaining compensation for injury, as opposed to the property.

When he decided on the right side of the brain injury lawyer to deal with the case, it is important to know how many cases that the lawyer will deal with in any trenutku.Odvjetnik injury of the brain that deal with numerous injuries compensation in any time is likely to spend less time dealing with the specifics.

Although it is only financial, the possibility of a successful injury claim could help raise a significant effort to bring brain injury.

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Brain Injury Trauma - 7 Ways to Identify Severe Head Injuries

Posted by writer

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, immoral people gave LSD to subjects without their knowledge.These subjects began to be thought strange visions and hallucinations. Aware that these thoughts and visions are the result of drugs they were testing some of them became distraught and committed suicide a few, perhaps because they thought they were crazy.

So it is with brain injury.You be aware that you hit on the head or suffered some head trauma May you not realize that your brain is damaged. There may be a wide range of symptoms and can become very confused about their cause, especially if head trauma was only neznatno.Rezultat this confusion can do great damage to the well-being suffers. This can lead to broken relationships, thoughts of suicide, depression and general nezadovoljstvo.Ozljeda brain needs to be addressed. Recovery can take, and sometimes the recovery will not be potpun.Ključ to maintain your health and your family and friends to know that you are suffering from a brain injury.

Tri examples of brain injuries that are not immediately noticed.

Vera tangled with the guidance of a dog that has escaped its owner, she fell and hit his head. Vera was taken to hospital but discharged the same day and has no recollection of the incident are like most people who go home after a minor head injury Vera was not aware that the external damage is not any internal damage. Over the next few months, Vera's life was not the same. She had trouble sleeping. She found her difficult to handle a demanding job. Her husband felt as if walking on egg shells when talking with her. One day toast got stuck in the toaster and Vera threw a toaster with such force that it broke the image on the opposite wall. All behavior is totally out of character for Vera since before knocking on the head.

Julie , my wife, is another example. We were traveling along quiet country lanes with Julie driving our little Peugeot 305, when we met speeding drunk driver traveling on our side of the road about 70mph. Julie is making maybe 25mph, thus eliminating the impact was severe. Despite the belt Julie `s face went forward as the steering column back up and cause serious damage to her jaw. Julie was in hospital for months, but when she released a real repair work began. No short-term memory, mood swings, zero tolerance for negative and irrational irritability to name just a few symptoms.

Paul is repeated snorer. Loud enough that his wife sometimes slept in the spare room. When booking, the rest of the book are separate hotel rooms, so that Paul's wife could not sleep. When Paul lost his job, his family found it very difficult to get along and he became steadily more depressed.

Finally, Paul was convinced to go to his doctor who prescribes a set of device called a CPAP to help Paul during the night. It was intended to wear the mask when he went to sleep. What I did not know at this time is that some time before Paul stopped breathing during the night for quite a long period. This reduces the amount of oxygen in the brain causing brain injury. Paul was, in fact, recovering from brain injury.

experience Vera, Julie and Paul can help us learn how to recognize brain injury. Keep in mind that I am not a doctor. I have helped my wife through years of rehabilitation, and through voluntary organizations, and I helped sufferers and caregivers to overcome the difficulties of rehabilitation.

There are numerous indicators or little signs that tell if someone has suffered a brain injury, and I will describe here seven most prominent.

A character . Short-term memory loss . Our short-term memory deals with the reason we keep talking about why we went into the kitchen or the subject of the article we read. In Julie `s case as she could remember things from ten years ago, she could not remember things from the ten minutes back. With Julie took years to get her short-term memory to an acceptable level. Vera will be a few paragraphs in the article, and then loses the thread of the story.

the sign two . irrational irritability . Paul was a factory foreman supervises seven employees, while maintaining its production on one machine or another. Juggling schedules, as always cheerful outlook. After a brain injury in sleep apnea is a sustained mood change. He would snap at his costs on business and his young son and daughter to avoid it as much as possible. They have chosen to deal with her mother instead of Paul. Julie is a real vicious mood swings, after coming out of the hospital and would snap at me, anything from five minutes later, all smiles. Ten years down the line of irrational irritability is still there, only about ten percent of their previous savagery.

sign three . a short attention span . Julie used to have the tedious job of handling the management of fleets of hundreds of vehicles. She would have up to twenty questions hanging in the air all at once. By the end of the day everything will be resolved in a satisfactory way and everybody is happy. In one year, Julie saved the company half a million pounds in fuel costs only a diligent assessment of where and how the fuel was purchased. After the accident, Julie can handle one task at times as she loses concentration away quickly. She becomes easily distracted and should be left alone to concentrate on the task at hand.

with four . Balance problems . In acute cases, suffers brain injury will sometimes feel dizzy and feel that their muscles do not work. This often results in difficulty maintaining balance while walking or performing demanding tasks. Julie loves riding horses, but since her accident her balance was very poor, and she fell several times as a result of not being able to balance enough dobro.Nekoliko days after returning to work Vera fell down the stairs. Fortunately, it did not hurt, but she doubts her abilities, she grew sad and depressed.

Fri character . reduced cognitive powers . We take our power of thinking for granted. So, when our thinking and reasoning powers are affected, and we do not know why the brain injury, the result can be depression, suicidal thoughts, and generally gives to life. Because cognitive power that people lie in their ability to reason, to analyze and articulate their thoughts, it is important to recognize when these powers are reduced. When Paul was able to return to work revealed that the operating machines that were second nature now before it takes total concentration. Even routine operations required level of focus that Paul found difficult, even before it was hardly necessary to allow them a second thought.

a sign of six . Loss of confidence . The old advice when you fall off the bicycle is to be straight back on, so you don `t lose confidence. People who have suffered brain injuries often lose confidence. It's as if he dropped the bike, but forgot that they should get back on. Vera `s injury was outside, so little that the hospital does not make her overnight.From time she went home Vera feeling at a loss what they should do. She felt as if the wind was knocked out of it. The feeling was more mental than physical. Driving was no problem Vere before, but suddenly worried about getting behind the wheel, she has been particularly began to fear driving at night and had visions of losing control and falling. Vera has never worried about it before.

Seven sign . depression and black moods . Psychologists would explain that depression can be caused by the situation. Or it could be caused by brain chemistry and body chemistry. Many things can make a person grows depressed. Someone suffering from a brain injury is often, almost routinely, they become depressed. Depression can be a symptom of many things, but it is a symptom of brain injury and should always be taken into account.

More aboutBrain Injury Trauma - 7 Ways to Identify Severe Head Injuries

Treatment And Prognosis For Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted by writer on Monday, October 10, 2011

traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs due to sudden trauma to the brain resulting in damage to the whole brain or only parts of the brain. This type of injury can also occur when an object pierces the skull and enters the soft tissue of the brain, or when an object breaks down on his head. If internal bleeding inside the skull, which can increase intracranial pressure, which can cause further brain damage.

symptoms of TBI vary depending on the degree of damage to the brain. If the injury is mild, the person may lose consciousness for a while. Other symptoms include severe headaches, blurry vision, feeling lightheaded, confusion, dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness, mood swings, changes in behavior and sleep patterns, fatigue, and unable to concentrate, remember, focus or think. On the other hand, if the injury is severe, the person will show all the above symptoms, together with a progressively worsening headache, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, and not waking up after going to sleep, numbness of limbs, weakness, slurring of speech, loss of coordination, getting upset , and dilated pupils.

of people who suffer from severe injuries often require immediate surgery to control internal bleeding and repair damaged brain tissue. Often people suffering from severe TBI will have some amount of disability, which is dependent on the severity of injury, the overall health of people were injured, at the age of injured persons and the region of the brain that is injured.

In general, it has seen people suffering from TBI may have problems with their terms, such as sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, cognition and communication. In addition, May people also suffer from aggression, depression, anxiety and show personality changes.

In general, it has seen people suffering from TBI may have problems with their terms, such as sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, cognition and communication. In addition, May people also suffer from aggression, depression, anxiety and show personality changes.


people who suffer from traumatic brain injury should receive immediate emergency medical intervencije.Štete that the brain can not be reversed, but doctors can stabilize a person and prevent further brain damage. The person will be put on oxygen to ensure that the brain receives adequate amounts of oxygen and blood pressure and circulation are closely monitored and maintained.

More aboutTreatment And Prognosis For Traumatic Brain Injury

Treatments For Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 4, 2011

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for individuals who have suffered traumatic brain injury (TBI or), the treatment begins the minute in the presence of a physician, typically either EMT worker or emergency room physician.

Although little can be done to reverse any damage caused by the initial injury, medical professionals can do to prevent further injury to the brain affects the individual. The most important course of action is to check whether an individual is getting enough oxygen, because oxygen can result in further brain damage.

Medical personnel will also work to ensure proper blood flow to the individual to control their blood pressure.

Reduction of intracranial pressure

can increase intracranial pressure in patients with traumatic brain injury, and thus pressure carefully monitored. Possible ways to treat high intracranial pressure include

° straightening or raising the head of an individual to allow greater blood flow

°-performing ventriculostomy procedure that drains fluid from the chamber

° using sedative or paralytic agents

° use of hyperventilation, which reduces blood flow to the brain

seizure prevention

Seizures are common in people with traumatic brain injury. As such, medical professionals often use benzodiazepines to prevent seizures in TBI patients. However, these drugs should be administered with caution since they can potentially depress respiration and significantly lower blood pressure.


If the TBI patient suffered a contusion or hematoma as a result of his injuries, and weight may need to be removed through surgery. Craniotomy (removing part of the skull) is necessary in approximately one third of patients with severe traumatic brain injury.


Individuals who are in recovery phase of traumatic brain injury will usually go through different types of rehabilitation, including

° physiotherapy

° Occupational Therapy

° Speech / language therapy

• Psychological treatment

° psychiatric treatment

The purpose of any kind of rehabilitation to restore the patient's quality of life to what they have experienced prior traumatic brain injury as much as possible.

It is possible for an individual show a long psychiatric or behavioral problems receive medication to help them return to their previous mental state. However, ongoing psychotherapy or psychiatric treatment May be required.

If you want more information about treatment options for people with traumatic brain injury, brain injury, contact an attorney today.

More aboutTreatments For Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain Injury Lawyer

Posted by writer

Some times in life we face a terrible experience. Some people have experienced traumatic things such as birth injuries djece.Osoba can not understand what happened. What went wrong? How did you learn? This is a good way to know that birth injury lawyer can best help you can get.

You can easily find one online. But remember this is a very specialized field zakona.Odvjetnik must be an expert.

birth injury lawyer can help you get the information you need, so you know what happened and if someone is wrong. If there is, he can best help you seek justice. If it becomes clear that the negligence of some individual it may help to prepare the necessary documents for legal protection.

must understand that such injury is not always to blame someone. But Attorney Injury birth can help you determine that and explain the situation to you. This will at least give you peace of mind knowing that this is something that just happened that there was no escape.

is good to know that you can easily find a birth injury lawyer. In these complex situation the family lawyer simply will not work. So, be sure to ask an expert. This is your best chance you'll be assured of the best results. Fortunately you can find these experts on the Internet in almost every country of the Union.

As a former judge I would make one last observation, the legal experts in this area are usually very sensitive and large fans for families suffering from such a traumatic situation.

More aboutBrain Injury Lawyer